Software and assets used in this website
- Dialog polyfill
(especially {css|js}/intel*.{js|css}) -
most information about licenses used in IITC stuff can be found on the intel map page.
- Leaflet
- ESRI's leaflet plugin
- Leaflet Draw by Jacob Toye, Jon West, Smartrak, Leaflet
- Maybe Leaflet GoogleMutant by Shramov
- Leaflet OpenWeatherMap plugin
- Overlapping Marker Spiderifier by George MacKerron
- Streetview (et al) buttons for Leaflet
- Chain-min.js by Chris O'Hara
- drawtools.js by Breunigs
- "Free Sidebar" by Zaso
- "Pocket Portal Details" by Zaso
- JQuery and JQuery UI
- JQuery QRCode
- Spectrum.js
- Sometimes Tangram (Mapzen)
- candidatemarker1, portalmarker1, no-image-96 and related images are derived from various sources under CC0
and equivalent, not requiring attribution (but THANK YOU ALL)
- Google's S2 geometry library in a variety of implementations (nicklasw's especially)
- Cloudinary's API stuff (or sometimes maybe imgur's, but NEVER as a CDN)
- Google's map library for javascript, for streetview
- Telegram as an account/Oauth provider using their login widget and bot API
- The material in js/osm_tags.json was seeded using
The OSM Wiki article on
Map Features
- "This site or product includes IP2Location LITE data available from"
This may be true, and if true,
your class C IP address is used to set a default location on some map screens
so that you don't have to scroll from the middle of some distant ocean to set a location.
The database is not redistributable, but you can download it free from their website.
- Index page video is by Uzunov Rostislav from Pexels
- Geocoding (address lookup etc) from Google, Nominatim, MapQuest, OpenCage and/or LocationIQ
Also grateful to MDN, StackExchange, all vendors of spatial RDBMSes, and other sources of snippets and guidance.
Where not specified, html and css code on this website (and the logo) are generally intended to be eventually
free to use under a yet-to-be-determined licence (sorry).